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Demonheart: Book 2: Walkers From Another Dimension Page 3

  “That and your new etherial form,” Julianna began, “I still can’t believe you could achieve such power. I must admit I’m a bit jealous.”

  “Remember that the next time you try talking down to me,” Isabella replied.

  “As for you, Michael, I told you we’d be sparring this morning at seven. Would it kill to get up in time?”

  Michael remembered the last two training sessions he spent with her, both of which ended in his quick defeat; his sword was tossed through the air and he fell against the ground, back first and aching before slowly rising to repeat the same experience against his better judgment until the sunset.

  “Actually, it just might.”

  Julianna groaned. “Your lack of resolution is your problem. You grew up a servant, so you never felt you could achieve much. Well, that changes now, do you understand?”

  Michael took a deep breath, recalling his encounter with Lucifer. Every second left him chilling with despair, but also filled him with the resolution she spoke of. To change his destiny for himself.

  “I understand,” Michael began. “And there’s something I’d like to tell you. Both of you, actually.”

  “Really?” Julianna asked.

  “Must be pretty serious for you to be wearing that stoic face,” Isabella said.

  The two of them snickered in amusement, as Michael took a deep breath, ready to unfurl the findings in his dream.

  Suddenly, the sky warped, changing colors into a distorted grid-like appearance. It was like nothing they’d ever seen before, stopping them all in place as something tore its way through.

  “What’s going on?” Isabella asked.

  “My vision. Of something from another world,” said Michael. “It’s just like what I saw in my dream with him. But what is it? What does it mean?”

  “Your what?” Julianna asked, confused.

  The cacophony brought by the fissure forming in the sky blocked out their conversation. They watched in awe as a strange golden aircraft plummeted like a meteor towards the ground. Its impact created a massive crater.

  Lost for words, Michael and the girls cautiously approached this otherworldly phenomenon. A feeling of dread consumed him, certain that what laid before him did, in fact, come from another world.

  Chapter 2

  Unexpected Visitors


  one of them had ever seen anything like this before—the sky tearing apart. A strange object plummeting down in a bit of smoke and quaking the ground was all as strange as it was unsettling to them.

  Julianna slowly approached the crater as it filled with steam from the unidentified object.

  “What do you think this thing is?”

  “I have no idea. I’ve never seen anything like it before,” said a bewildered Isabella.

  “I think that Hecate woman may have really been telling the truth about the existence of multiple dimensions,” Julianna replied, her eyes fixated on the clearing steam emitting from the object to reveal its golden shade.

  “You think this thing came from another dimension?” Isabella asked.

  “I do. As for which dimension, I suppose we’ll find out soon enough,” said Julianna.

  Dimensions?” Michael thought. “Other worlds?”

  He nervously gulped, startled by the touch of Isabella’s hand on his shoulder.

  “Whatever you were telling us before, I think it’ll have to wait.”

  Michael was lost in bewilderment. He nodded with hesitation. “But, can it?”

  The three of them watched in amazement as the entirety of the golden aircraft came into view, revealing its disheveled state.

  Suddenly, the doors on either side of the object opened before two figures made their way out. The figures came in the clear—enough to be apparent as women. One of them had jagged chin-length blue hair, and the other had straight elbow-length pink hair, each covering their forehead with bangs and a set of golden goggles. They took a proper gander at Michael and his friends, who responded with unnerved looks.

  “Unreal. There were people in that thing?” Michael said.

  “Yeah, people…” Said Julianna.

  Her response completely flew over Michael. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Women are just fucking falling from the sky to be with you, aren’t they?” Isabella pouted.

  “Well, I don’t know about that…” Michael replied with a nervous laugh.

  The two women dusted themselves off and then climbed out of the crater to the same level of ground as he and his friends. The woman with pink hair darted towards Michael and stopped a few inches from him.

  “Hey, haven’t you ever heard of personal space?” Isabella shouted.

  “Calculating,” the woman instead replied with an unusual device in her hand.

  “Excuse me. When someone talks to you, the decent thing to do is make some damn eye contact,” Isabella said, growing more annoyed.

  “I don’t think she’s listening,” said Julianna.

  “Is there anything we can help you with?” Michael nervously asked.

  He inspected the woman. She had on a pair of black leather boots, pants to complement the dark theme her low-cut top also embraced, and a black trench coat. He’d never seen anyone dress like that before. Still, he could tell by her crimson gaze she was a demon.

  “Calculating,” the pink haired woman repeated.

  The blue-haired woman moved around Julianna and Isabella, sniffing them like an animal. She was also clad in all black—flatter shoes, shorts, a low-cut top, but no trench coat. Her eyes were an equally deep shade of red to the other woman’s.

  They’re both demons? Michael thought. Just where did they come from?

  “Hey, what do you think this is, you freak?” Julianna said to the blue-haired woman.

  “Yeah, if this is your way of communicating, you’re just as much of your weirdo as your friend over there,” Isabella said, now frustrated with both of them.

  “Done calculating. This man doesn’t have what we’re looking for. He’s useless,” said the pink haired woman, looking callously in Michael’s eyes.

  “Hey, who are you calling useless?” Michael said, annoyed.

  “I am calling you useless. You do not have what I am looking for. Must I repeat myself?”

  “What a piece of work this woman is.” Isabella scowled.

  Julianna whispered, “Hey, look at their eyes. They must be demons like us.”

  “And potentially dangerous,” Isabella replied, almost losing herself in their gazes.

  “They could be working with the Legion of Morningstar,” Julianna said.

  That’s right, Michael thought as he gazed at the entity from which they crawled out. They very well could.

  The pink-haired woman looked them all in the eye with suspicion before looking at her travel companion. “Have you found anything over there?”

  “Not yet, but this girl with the orange hair gives off a strange scent,” said the blue-haired girl.

  “Really?” the pink-haired girl said, raising her eyebrow. She walked up to Isabella, pointing her device at her.

  “Hey, are you two just going to ignore us? We want answers!” Julianna demanded. “Just what are you doing here?”

  The pink-haired woman looked over at Julianna before scanning Isabella. “We want answers, as well. If you have what we’re looking for, perhaps we can entertain your trivial demands,” said the pink-haired girl.

  “Trivial?” Julianna’s face reddened.

  What is it they’re looking for? Michael thought to himself. His eyes then widened. A realization sunk deep into his mind.

  Suddenly, the pink-haired girl’s device beeped out of control. “Yes, this girl has what we came for.”

  “What are you talking about?” Isabella asked.

  The pink-haired girl put her device in her pocket and pointed at Isabella, catching her off guard.

  “Hand over the dimension titan now.”

  “Like hell, I wi
ll!” Isabella shouted. “First you just crashed from nowhere and completely ignored us when we talked to you. Now you think you can just steal from us? Seriously? How about you start by telling us where the hell you came from? You fucking creeps don’t even know our names and you’re getting in our faces, smelling and scanning with your weird golden device.”

  “You want pleasantries and their tedious qualities? Fine.” The pink-haired woman sighed. “Very well, my name is Alexa and I come from the sixth dimension.”

  The sixth? Isabella thought as she recalled Hecate’s chant before summoning her titan. She’s not from the same world as her, then.

  “My partner, if you could call her that, comes from the first dimension.” Alexa continued, “Her name is unimportant.”

  “Well, I think they’d like to know what it is.” She turned away from Alexa. “My name is Ursula. Super nice to meet you guys, by the way,” the blue-haired girl said, quickly shaking hands with Michael and his friends.

  “A pleasure meeting you,” Michael said as he shook her hand. His feeling of unease deepened. What exactly are other dimensions like?

  “Do you come from other planets?” Isabella asked.

  “No, same planet.” Ursula smiled. “Just different time periods.”

  Alexa sighed. “Yes, very nice. Make friends with the natives. You do realize that will only make killing them off more difficult for you, right?” Alexa interjected. She covered the top half of her face with her hand, embarrassed.

  “Wait, you’re going to kill us?” Michael asked in astonishment.

  “Possibly. However, you might get lucky if you hand over the ring and choose your words wisely when explaining exactly how you attained it,” Alexa said. “I wouldn’t count on it, though. The people who carry these rings tend to be of the malevolent persuasion.”

  “Bold words coming from someone who wants it,” Isabella said, coldly.

  “Even bolder coming from the one keeping it to herself,” Alexa snapped.

  “Why don’t you just cut the shit and tell us why you want the rings and maybe you’ll be the lucky ones,” Julianna said.

  “Happy to.” Alexa smiled. “Ursula and I are dimension walkers. We scour all corners of the omniverse for its greatest treasures.”

  “And in this case, you’re after the titan rings?” Michael asked with a stern gaze.

  Tension filled both him and his friends as the severity of the visitors’ intentions sank in.

  “Yes. You’ll be impressed to know we currently have three titans,” said Alexa.

  “Are you serious? You already possess three out of the seven titan rings?” Michael’s head spun with fear.

  “Yeah, and our adversary only has two,” Ursula interjected.

  “You weren’t supposed to say that, dumb ass,” Alexa shouted.

  “Sorry,” Ursula whimpered.

  “Your adversary?” Michael’s eyes widened.

  Alexa sighed, and then continued, “That’s right. As my bumbling partner said, they’re trailing us by just one titan.”

  “So, you’re racing for influence is what you’re saying?” Julianna suggested.

  “Correct. And the first person to claim four titans will be the winner of the race,” Alexa said.

  “Because that would mean no one can have more than you. Not your adversary. No one.” Julianna nodded with a better understanding.

  “I like the sound of that. You come off as a woman of business, which I can respect,” Said Isabella.

  Alexa grinned. “I am. I own Clockwork Designs, the largest military base in the entire omniverse. No one designs more hi-tech or devastating weaponry than I do, and no one ever will.”

  Impressed, Julianna said, “You’re quite confident. What sorts of weapons do you make?”

  “I make many types: missiles, cannons, rockets, tanks… the list goes on. I also lead countless soldiers, the world over,” said Alexa.

  “Sounds like you’re the queen or something to have that kind of power,” Isabella joked.

  “I am,” Alexa said with a proud grin.

  Isabella and Julianna looked at her in stunned silence.

  “I hope my title of the sixth dimension’s queen makes it clear to you three that I get what I want. Without fail.”

  “Hold on,” Michael began. “Are we just going to ignore the part where they told us about their search for the titan rings?”

  “Right,” Ursula began with a friendly smile. “So what Alexa was saying was that we’re actually doing the omniverse a service by collecting these titans.”

  “Are you now?” Julianna raised an eyebrow.

  “Yeah.” Ursula nodded. “Our enemy’s led by this super bad guy that wants to use them to take over the omniverse, so the obvious option to stop him is to capture them all.”

  Julianna’s eyes widened. “You speak of immense opposition. Do they go by a name?”

  “Yes, the Legion of Morningstar,” said Ursula.

  Michael and his friends froze in place because of the revelation. They looked at her in stunned silence, completely dumbfounded.

  Ursula looked around, confused. “What? Did I say something wrong?”

  If their enemy is the same as ours, our goals could align, right? Michael thought. But he couldn’t shake the bad feeling about them.

  Alexa slapped her on the back of the head. “You weren’t supposed to tell them who we’re after, either. Now, they’re going to want to go after them, as well.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t know,” Ursula said, rubbing the back of her head.

  “You never know anything, you nitwit,” Alexa yelled. “Just shut your mouth from now on.”

  “We already know about your secret. We’re already acquainted with the Legion of Morningstar,” said Julianna.

  “In fact, I just killed off one of their members. That’s how I got my titan,” Isabella said, matter-of-factly.

  Alexa scowled. She rushed towards her and grabbed the front of her shirt. “You mean to tell me you’ve encountered a member of their legion, defeated them, and took their ring?”

  “Yes,” said Isabella, struggling to breathe because of Alexa’s grip.

  Alexa put her down, then took a deep breath. “I see. When I heard the Legion’s titan count went from three to two, I figured it was because one of them was stolen. I never would have thought someone from this glorified landfill of a dimension could actually defeat one of their members and take their ring, no less!”

  “Well, I did. And I have this shiny new axe to prove it!” Isabella proudly said as she pulled the axe from her infinity bag. She oozed with confidence and showoff.

  Alexa’s attitude irritated Michael. “Who are you calling a glorified landfill?” he asked.

  “Believe me. It was a compliment. I swear this air is going to make me sick.” Alexa coughed with disgust. Ursula did the same.

  “Sure doesn’t feel like one,” Michael groaned.

  Alexa looked back at him with a smug grin. The gleam of Isabella’s blade caught her attention and shocked her.

  “An unholy relic?” Alexa’s eyes widened, and she smiled. “You are who you say you are. I am convinced of that now.”

  “Hey, where did you get that cool bag?” Ursula asked with intrigue.

  “You like it? It’s an infinity bag. Julianna made one for me. Promise to leave us alone and I’m sure she’ll make one for you, too,” Isabella said with a smile.

  Ursula’s face lit up with joy.

  “No promises…” said Julianna, looking the other way.

  Alexa sighed. “Why would you want such an arcane piece of technology? You know my dimension has far more advanced equipment than some infinity bag.”

  “Hey, you seem to be pretty knowledgeable about stuff like the titan rings, the Legion of Morningstar, these unholy relics, and even these infinity bags,” said Michael.

  “And your point?” Alexa asked.

  “My point is I’d like you to tell us what else you know. You see, the member o
f the Legion of Morningstar we killed told me that their leader is after me. Do you know him on a personal level?” Michael asked.

  Julianna and Isabella signaled with their hands to stop him from saying any more, but it was too late.

  “You’re about as airheaded as Ursula. No, I don’t know him personally. Nor do I even know his name. They say he works in secrecy,” said Alexa.

  That means I must wait until these two leave before I can reveal the details of my encounter. Or at least until I think I can trust them. He thought.

  “However, I’m thinking we kidnap you and use you to draw their leader out. If one of their members said their leader is looking for you, in particular, then it must be true. No one from that organization just asks for someone by name,” said Alexa.

  “Hey, who do you think you are, threatening to take my boyfriend from me?” Julianna said, grabbing Michael by his arm.

  “Boyfriend? That’s my husband you’re talking about!” said Isabella, grabbing onto his other arm.

  “Is this really the best time?” Michael asked, aching from the tugging of his limbs on either side.

  Alexa watched in astonished silence as they tugged at his arms. “I’m surrounded by morons.”

  “At least you’ve got me by your side,” Ursula said with an eager smile.

  Alexa’s blood boiled, unable to bear everyone around her any longer. She panted heavily as the last of her restraint left her.

  “Damn it. Don’t speak until you’re spoken to!”

  Alexa hit Ursula across the face and knocked her to the floor. She kicked up the dirt from the grass under her feet with a thud.

  Isabella and Julianna watched in shock. Michael broke from their grips and marched up to Alexa with disdain in his eyes.

  “Hey, what the fuck was that for?” he yelled.

  “She was being insubordinate,” said Alexa. “And I don’t tolerate that sort of behavior.”

  “Look, I don’t understand half the shit you say, but I know that you don’t just go around hitting people,” Michael replied, gritting his teeth.

  “How I treat this girl is none of your concern,” Alexa replied, watching as tears rolled down Ursula’s dirt-covered face.